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大森 美瑠
Miru Ohmori

Artist-Painting,Picture book writer,etc...

スクリーンショット 2024-02-06 11.31.17.jpg

岐阜大学大学院教育学研究科芸術身体表現コース 美術教育学專攻 卒業

Born in Ishikawa in 1990
educated Art Education in Department of Arts and Physical Expression at Gifu university.
Engaged various activities such as creating picture books, community development, workshops, and educational projects, all centered around the theme of creating environments that nurture people's hearts.

Previous practices and works include:
Yearly workshops focused on creation, agriculture, and nature experience.
"Forest Children's Restaurant"
Solo and group exhibitions in Gifu and Tokyo.
Published a song-illustrated picture book titled "From My Perspective."
Collaborated with the residents of Suginami Ward to create the picture book "Under the tree," aiming to promote a culture of attentive listening.
Published a puzzle-solving picture book titled "Mile's Grand Adventure of Puzzles."

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What is waste material art to Taiki Kusakabe?

She had opportunities to interact with children from various family backgrounds during her teacher training at the university.Within these experiences, her interest shifted to creating environments that nurture people's hearts, and consequently, the themes of her research and art creation evolved. After the graduation, she creates abstract artworks through introspection while studying developmental psychology and self-object psychology. Her current artistic style is characterized by evoking a sense of belonging and the instinctual urge to return home that comes from colors. In recent years, there has been a focus on waste materials that have become social issues. Exploring the emotions and memories evoked by colors and waste materials used in the office.

Wark career

大森美瑠 Ohmori Miru

1990 石川県生まれ

2009 岐阜大学教育学部美術教育講座 入学

2013 同大 卒業
2013 岐阜大学大学院教育学研究科芸術身体表現コース 入学
2013 〜2014 岐阜アートフォーラム後援/

2014 岐阜県立関特別支援学校 招待作家 
2014 個展「いろいろいろの展覧会」岐阜

2015 同大 卒業
2015 石川県立穴水高等学校絵画作品贈呈
2015 個展「My home」東日本橋
2015 初絵本出版

2016 グループ展「Union」吉祥寺
2016 六本木/世田谷/練馬/ 新宿/杉並でアートワークショップ及び展示販売

2017 ikiFesta ライブペイント/名古屋
2017 体験型アートのテーマパーク
   bon artvillage 企画運営/浅草

2019  ボンアート株式会社アートディレクター・役員就任

2020 〜 アート展示及びワークショップの企画・制作・実施

Mille Ohmori

Born in Ishikawa Prefecture in 1990

2009 Enrolled in the Art Education Course at the Faculty of Education, Gifu University

2013 Graduated from the university
2013 Enrolled in the Art and Physical Expression Course at the Graduate School of Education, Gifu University
2013-2014 Planned and operated the "Forest Children's Restaurant" art program under the auspices of Gifu Art Forum, including exhibitions

2014 Invited artist at Gifu Prefectural Seki Special Needs School
2014 Solo exhibition in Gifu

2015 Graduated from Gifu University
2015 Donated painting to Ishikawa Prefectural Anamizu High School
2015 Solo exhibition "My home" in Higashinihonbashi
2015 First picture book published

2016 Group exhibition "Union" in Kichijoji
2016 Conducted art workshops and exhibitions in Roppongi, Setagaya, Nerima, Shinjuku, and Suginami

2017 Live painting at ikiFesta in Nagoya
2017 Planned and operated the theme park for experiential art, bon artvillage, in Asakusa

2019 Appointed as Art Director and Officer of Bon Art Co., Ltd.

From 2020 Organizing, producing, and conducting art exhibitions and workshops

Clients: Maeda Construction Co., Ltd. / Tohshin Development Co., Ltd. / OPA Co., Ltd., and others.

Team Officell

​運営 Ikegami office art 池上 和

Team Officell Buseum

東京都中央区日本橋室町1丁目5−3 三越前福島ビル 8F


東京都中野区中野3-27-19 アルカディア中野206

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